Midland Economic Indicators

Midland MSA Economic Index June 2024
IndustryMay 2024June 2024% Change
Financial Services227.9228.8+0.9
Real Estate134.6142.9+8.3
Professional & Business Services124.5123.8-0.7
Health Care122.5125.6+3.1
Hospitality & Tourism159.8157.9-1.9
Other Activity138.8138.4-0.4
Midland Composite115.6115.9+0.3

Note: Industries are not weighted equally in calculating the Industry Composite; see the Appendix for further explanation. The Midland Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) includes Midland and Martin counties.  Source: The Perryman Group 

Selected Midland Economic Indicators 
Indicator June 20242022202320242023-2024 % Change
Permian Basin Rig Count345344309-10.07%
WTI Oil Price$114.89$70.25$79.77+13.55%
Henry Hub Natural Gas$7.70$2.18$2.53+16.06%
Housing Permits556469+7.81%
Average Housing Permit Value$229.498$233,155$252,813+8.43%
Airline Boardings57,80059,41271,804+20.86%
Hotel Receipts$11,689,990$12,586,997$12,788,026+1.60%
Employment (Seasonally Adjusted)112,100120,500122,300+1.49%
Unemployment Rate2.86%2.49%2.59%N/A
Midland Index (2021=100)118.3116.2115.9N/A