State Workforce Training

In addition to workforce training programs offered within Midland, the state of Texas has a variety of workforce training and development programs that can help workers grow and adapt their skills.

State Workforce Training Programs

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) offers training assistance through the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) Program.

The Skills Development Fund is Texas' premier job–training program providing training dollars for Texas businesses and workers. Administered by the Texas Workforce Commission, success is achieved through collaboration among businesses, public Community and Technical colleges, Local Workforce Development Boards and economic development partners.

The On The Job Customized Training program further benefits employers by tailoring a training program to the specific needs of the employer, especially in the area of introducing new technologies or procedures. Training can offered to new or incumbent employees in order to upgrade their skills and knowledge.

Additional services are available through TWC and administered locally through the Workforce Solutions of the Permian Basin.