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Category: partnerships
Roads are a city’s lifeblood. The citizens of Midland give feedback to Midland Development Corporation board members, and that feedback usually includes requests to devote funding to roads. In 2017, the Midland Development Corporation responded to this need by dedicating over thirteen million dollars to roads and infrastructure in order to achieve goals in the short term, and to initiate projects that will develop over the coming years.
The Midland Development Corporation’s most significant infrastructure commitments came in the form of a new partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation, whereby funds from the Midland Development Corporation will leverage contributions at the state and federal level.
The first project, scheduled for 2019, is for the construction of main lanes and interchanges at the intersection of Loop 250 and County Road 1150, which serves the dual purpose of making a hazardous intersection safer, and opening a new corridor to trade. The Midland Development Corporation dedicated two million dollars to this project, which will be combined with approximately eleven million dollars from TxDOT, and fifteen million dollars in federal funding.
The second project is the improvement of the intersection of Loop 250 and County Road 1140, which is farther to the east, and will enable even more expansion to accommodate Midland’s growth. For this project, three million dollars from the MDC leveraged sixteen million dollars from TxDOT. It is scheduled for 2022.
The third project is for main lanes and interchanges at the intersection of Loop 250 and State Highway 191, an area where Midland is already experiencing explosive commercial growth. Scheduled for 2021, this vital artery will be enhanced in safety and capacity, with two million dollars coming from the MDC, and thirty-three million from TxDOT.
The fourth and final collaboration between the MDC and TxDOT in 2017 is for the improvement of the intersection of South Midkiff Road and Interstate 20. Congestion at this intersection inhibits the mobility of Midlanders, and impedes the daily routines of businesses located nearby. This project is scheduled for 2021. The MDC will contribute two million dollars, enabling TxDOT to commit to twenty million dollars.
That’s ninety-six million dollars to be spent on Midland’s roads by the state and federal governments! To obtain that contribution, the MDC invested nine million dollars.
Not to be overlooked, the MDC also committed $1.7 million to improvements to the intersection of Carver Street and Scharbauer Drive, a hazardous low-water crossing that had long been in need of renovation. When completed, the intersection will be a safe transit area for motorists and pedestrians alike.
State Highway 349 is the main corridor that connects Midland to Lubbock and Amarillo. It also leads to many of Midland’s newest housing developments to the north of the city. Heavily trafficked by semi-trailer trucks and commuters, it lacks turning lanes, medians, and curbs. The Midland Development Corporation has committed $1.35 million to this project, along with $1.2 million from the City of Midland and $9.3 million from TxDOT.
As Midland continues its trajectory of growth, the Midland Development Corporation will participate in the vitality of the city’s infrastructure.
Category: partnerships
Midland Entrepreneurial Challenge awards $500,000 among local small businesses
Initiated in 2017 by UT Permian Basin in collaboration with the Small Business Development Center, the Midland Entrepreneurial Challenge has since been an annual event that functions to identify and nurture new businesses in Midland through a rigorous process of business plan creation, market research, and financial training. During each portion of the Challenge, businesses are selected to move forward to present their business plan to a panel of judges comprised of local business owners, bankers, and prominent community members.
Since the inception of the Challenge, 29 businesses have won a portion of the prize money. The Midland Entrepreneurial Challenge continues to provide expanded funding opportunities for Midland's vibrant and diverse small business community.
Read more about the Challenge's success.
Category: partnerships, success stories
Category: partnerships
The MDC made a bold statement about its commitment to education and the University of Texas of the Permian Basin with a $3 million investment toward the construction of the school’s $52 million engineering building, which is being built on the school’s Midland campus.
The economic development group is contributing funds to help build the third oor of the engineering school, which will enable UTPB to expand its o erings to include chemical and electrical engineering. UTPB reports that 1 in 10 students are engineering students, and its master plan calls for the student body to grow to 8,000 by 2020. The engineering building is tentatively scheduled to be completed in April 2019.
The MDC also is contributing $2 million for the creation of business incubator and makerspace at the Center for Energy and Economic Diversi cation (CEED), also at UTPB’s Midland campus. MDC has committed an additional $5 million to UTPB for the reimbursement of faculty salaries at the incubator and Makerspace, to be disbursed over the twenty- year term of the agreement.
Other Investments in UTPB
$200,000 per year over a six-year term has been committed to the establishment of an Aeronautical Engineering program. Aerospace engineering is integrated with the mechanical engineering track.
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