Attaining a Big-Picture Perspective With a Facility Master Plan
23 Dec 2020
Leading a successful site and facility master plan challenges even the most seasoned leaders. After all, how often have you undertaken a master-planning process, only to be disappointed in the outcome, or worse yet, end up with a building that doesn’t align with your business goals? Based on over 30 years of working with manufacturing organizations, we have identified several master-planning process “must haves” that are vital to achieving successful, actionable and, most importantly, implementable site and facility master plans.
With construction cost trending upward at a rate of 3 to 5 percent annually — and an industry focused on continuous improvement, increased productivity, and driving product total direct cost down — constructing a new or expanding an existing manufacturing facility comes with a substantial investment. A master plan that will guide the long-term growth of a site is a critical component when considering any significant capital investment. Whether planning a major renovation, building expansion, a new building, or initiating land search for a new site, a comprehensive manufacturing master plan not only aligns goals and priorities, but also establishes a valuable framework that facilitates decision-making now and into the future. At the same time, a comprehensive manufacturing master plan ensures your organization’s ability to remain responsive to changing market conditions without compromising the long-term growth strategy of your business.
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