3 Technologies You Can Use to Re-Skill Your Employees

4 Jun 2021


The following excerpt is from Caroline Stokes’s book Elephants Before Unicorns. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | IndieBound or click here to buy it directly from us and SAVE 60% on this book when you use code CAREER2021 through 4/17/21.

I’d like to introduce you to three technologies that will help people leaders discover talent and fuel your teams’ evolution to avoid dinosaur syndrome (falling behind in terms of the skill and functionality of your teams). Let’s walk briefly through each of them.

Bias Avoidance Talent Matching

The first tool is SquarePeg, a matching service for job seekers and employers that uses online assessments to measure a candidate’s aptitude, preferences and character traits, and determine which organization would be the best fit.

When founder Claire McTaggart spoke to me of her time leading a recruitment team as a hiring manager for a strategy consulting firm, she said she found that her team was asking the wrong questions. Instead of, “Where did you go to school? What was your GPA? Which company are you at now?” they should have been asking, “Do you enjoy solving analytical problems? Do you work well on teams? Are you interested in working with a large organization?”

Read full article.