Creative new ZoomTours help promote our innovative cli

23 Jun 2021


When we launched ZoomTour back in December, we recognized that our innovative clients would produce a wide variety of interactive online tours this unique new virtual tour building software. We have not been disappointed!

Client reviews of ZoomTour have been overwhelmingly positive. "ZoomTour was so easy to work with and a lot of fun," says Amber Shek, economic development specialist with the Greater Yuma Economic Development Commission (one of the tours featured below). 

“ZoomTour has been an excellent tool for us as we have had to find ways to showcase our region without our clients actually being able to travel to us," explains Andrew Golden, Marketing Director of North Eastern Strategic Alliance (NESA) in South Carolina. "This invaluable tool has allowed us to highlight our regional assets in a well put together package and give our clients the ability to explore our region from a distance.”

Aaron Brossoit, CEO of Golden Shovel Agency, enjoyed the creative applications ZoomTour makes possible. "The ZoomTour software presents a new way for us to help EDOs organize the many types of content we create into self-guided tours. It was such a pleasure working with the GIS Planning team and the economic development team at Montgomery County, Ohio. We were able to combine written content, 360 video, 3D facility scans and GIS Planning's data together into a showcase familiarization tour for the region. "

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