Bringing Light to the Shadows of Health Care

Bringing Light to the Shadows of Health Care Main Photo

8 Aug 2018

Feature, News

In June, Midland Development Corporation announced an $8.4 million economic development incentive for Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at the Permian Basin that will provide much needed psychiatric services for the Midland-Odessa area and all of West Texas.

“This will help us recruit more faculty who will treat patients and train other doctors,” said Dr. Bobby Jain, chairman of the TTUHSC Department of Psychiatry.

Jain praised the incentive as “generous,” one of the most significant investments since Texas Tech opened its regional campus.

“I commend leadership of the Midland Development Corporation for their foresight and vision to fulfill the mental health need. The benefits will percolate across all West Texas areas,” he added.

Keith Stretcher, MDC’s first vice chairman and a Texas Tech University School of Law graduate, said the organization wanted to replicate what they had seen other West Texas communities do with Texas Tech.

Midland leaders, including Stretcher and MDC Chairman Brent D. Hilliard, saw Amarillo and Abilene work with the university successfully.

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