Join the ranks of AST & Science and Kepler Aerospace by locating your business in the Spaceport Business Park in Midland, TX

27 Mar 2023


Hey Aerospace Companies! Want to take your business to the next level? Join the ranks of AST & Science and Kepler Aerospace by locating your business in the Spaceport Business Park at the Midland International Air & Space Port in West Texas!
Conveniently located in the heart of oil & gas country, the Spaceport Business Park offers access to affordable space, state-of-the-art equipment, and the Midland Altitude Chamber Complex (MACC). It is also the first spaceport in the world to be co-located with a major commercial airport and is FAA approved as a Commercial Space Launch Site. Kepler Aerospace and AST & Science are just two of the companies already located in the park and benefiting from these unique opportunities.

Locate your business in the Spaceport Business Park in Midland, TX

Qualifying companies can take advantage of leasing incentives, and the MACC provides a world-class high-altitude test facility for space and pressure suits, payloads, subsystems, and components, as well as flight crew training operations.
Don't miss out on the chance to grow your aerospace company in Texas! Come and be a part of the thriving aerospace industry at the Spaceport Business Park in Midland. Connect with us here for more information.