Look no further than the Midland International Air and Space Port’s Spaceport Business Park in Texas!

15 May 2023


Looking for a close spot next to a commercial airport and FAA approval for your next space launch or aerospace venture? Look no further than the Midland International Air & Space Port's Spaceport Business Park in Texas!

As the first spaceport to be co-located with a major commercial airport and an FAA-approved Commercial Space Launch Site, the Spaceport Business Park is ideal for companies producing, testing, and launching satellites.

Current tenants include a satellite technology company and a company that manufactures and launches satellites. And with additional sites ready for occupancy and leasing incentives available for qualifying companies, now is the perfect time to join them!

Want to benefit from adjacency to a commercial airport and FAA approval? Look no further than the Midland International Air & Space Port

The Spaceport Business Park offers 50-acres of land on the southeast side of the Midland International Air & Space Port, with ground leases available for aerospace/aviation development adjacent to an air carrier-strength concrete ramp. Plus, there are open areas for flight and energetic testing.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to benefit from adjacency to a commercial airport and FAA approval! Choose the Midland International Air & Space Port's Spaceport Business Park for your next space or aerospace venture. 

#SpaceportBusinessParkTexas #AerospaceTexas #MidlandInternationalAirAndSpacePort #FAAapproved #SatelliteTesting #SatelliteManufacturing #LeasingIncentives #OpenAreasForTesting #FlightTesting